Saturday, September 7, 2013

Birthday Poems | These Birthday greetings are wished Most affectionately your way

For someone who's very nice
Deserves an extra special day.

To here's wishing very happiness
Today, especially for you,
With lots of your favorite things In the year ahead too!

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You

Happy Birthday Poems
Happy Birthday Poems

Birthday Poem | I wish you the best birthday ever

I wish you the
best birthday ever,
one that's so
fantastic that
it lives in your heart
And I want you
to know
that wherever
you go,
I'm always
wishing the best for you.

Happy Birthday Poems
Happy Birthday Poems

Happy Birthday To someone I love So much

Happy Birthday to someone I love so much.
One who has that "Special Touch."
Always a smile upon your face.
Everything you do is with style and grace.
Please know today how special you are.
Wherever you go - Whether near or far.

Happy Birthday Poems
Happy Birthday Poems

Happy Birthday To you Poem

Happy Birthday Poems
Happy Birthday Poems